Managing sums
Designated fund or foundations
What to choose for managing funds from various solicitations to parents
or community donations
How can we effectively manage the sums of money that come from parents and the community, in full compliance with the Education Act? What are the differences between a “foundation” and each school’s “designated fund”?
These are the two key questions that we will attempt to answer in this comparative exercise of the two available tools, the Foundation and the Designated Fund: their inherent costs, their own legal requirements, the protection they provide, their durability, and so on.
Getting started
- Each school must take note of its needs:
- Why collect money?
- Who will be approached?
- How will this canvassing be carried out?
- Who will provide the necessary follow-up?
Analyze the tools available (a foundation? a designated fund?) to store and distribute the money raised:
- Using the following guide ;
- And by referring to the Minister’s Mandatory Training, Sheet # 22: Designated Fund.
Choose a tool that meets the needs of your school AND is well suited to those who will be using it.
We would like to thank the Table des secrétaires généraux de l’Estrie-Montérégie for authorizing the use of Info-Flash: Designated Fund and Foundations, Year 4, No. 1, which was revised in January 2018.
Legal entity separate from the school and the educational organization
Must obtain permission from the educational organization to use the name from the schoolto solicit. Even then, the foundation remains a separate entity.
Registration fees to be paid.
The foundation must itself collect its income and issue receipts for charitable donations. These tasks cannot be done by the school organization.
If applicable, registration in the GST and QST file must be made.
However, the educational organization may when it authorizes the foundation to use the name of a school, ensure respect for its supervision.
In addition, a donation can be linked to a commercial condition, or be directed.
We must clearly separate the activities of the foundation from those of the school.
There may be a problem of confusion between the school and the foundation, particularly when the foundation moves away from its initial mission.
School staff and governing board members who are members of the foundation board of directors can easily have a conflict of interest.
The foundation is not required to respect the administrative and educational frameworks of the educational organization. However, when authorizing the foundation to use the name of a school, the educational body can provide for compliance with its framework.
The DF is part of the educational body.
May use the name of the school without further authorization.
The educational organization is registered and makes the required reports.
No commercial conditions can be attached to a donation.
It may seem difficult to obtain donations without being able to use the expression: Foundation.
So, it can be useful to use the expression: Fundraising campaign - School XXXX
LEXICON: School organization ⇒ School board or school service center, as the case may be.