Jointly developed by FCSSQ, FCPQ and RCPAQ.
A useful tool concerning the financial contributions that can be required from parents.
These summary tables on the legislative and regulatory frameworks applicable to free general education for young people have been drawn up jointly by the Fédération des centers de services scolaires du Québec (FCSSQ), the Fédération des comités de parents du Québec (FCPQ) and the Regroupement des comités de parents autonomes du Québec (RCPAQ).
A PDF version of this table is available. (in french)
- The Governing Board establish, on the basis of the proposal from the principal of the school, the principles of the cost of documents in which the student are writing, drawing orcutting (art. 77.1 LIP)
- The Governing Board approves the financial contributions proposed by the principal of the school (for services dispensed in the context of a pedagogical project in particular, for the school activities, for the equipment and for monitoring lunch periods), some of which are developed with the participation from staff members teacher (art. 75.0.1 LIP).
- The Governing Board must put in place some measures aimed at at promoting access of every student to all services, activities, or equipment for which a financial contribution is required. He must inform the school board of any approved financial contribution under article 75.0.1 of the EA (art. 8 from Regulations relative to free schooling).
- The Governing Board must, before approving any contribution, take into account the other contributions that they approved or which are submitted to them (art. 75.0.1 LIP).
- The financial contributions required can not exceed the real cost of the good or from the service committed by the school (art.75.0.1 LIP).
- No financial contribution may be demanded for a service, activity or material for which funding is provided under the budgetary rules. Such funding must be deducted from the required financial contribution when it covers part of the expenses incurred (art.10 Regulations on free schooling).
- All financial contributions must be invoiced clearly and in detail (art. 9 Regulations on free schooling).
- When a voluntary contribution or donation is requested, no amount relating to it may be included in the total shown on the invoice (art. 9 Regulations on free schooling).
- No specific brand or supply company may be imposed on material for the student’s personal use, with the exception of activity or exercise books (art. 11 Regulations on free schooling).
Services provided for under the LIP and the basic education regime
Services other than those provided for in the EA and the basic education regime
Administrative fees
Fees for the participation of a coach or specialist other than a teacher in the study program
Rental of sports facility or premises required for the completion of the project
pedagogical coordination costs to enable the project to be carried out
School activities outside the school premises
School activities with the participation of a person other than a CSS staff member
Accreditations various
Issuance of a certificate by an external organization
Covered by free access (art. 1 LIP).
Exception to free education, if the school offers the choice of an educational path exempt from a financial contribution (art. 3 LIP).
Covered by the free charge: Selection costs, file opening costs, test administration costs and staff training costs (art.3 LIP). cell>
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Covered by free access (art. 1 LIP).
Exception to free education, if the school offers the choice of an educational path exempt from a financial contribution (art. 3 LIP).
Covered by the free charge: Selection costs, file opening costs, test administration costs and staff training costs (art.3 LIP). cell>
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Covered by free access (art. 1 LIP).
Exception to free education, if the school offers the choice of an educational path exempt from a financial contribution (art. 3 LIP).
Covered by the free charge: Selection costs, file opening costs, test administration costs and staff training costs (art.3 LIP). cell>
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Covered by free access (art. 1 LIP).
Exception to free education, if the school offers the choice of an educational path exempt from a financial contribution (art. 3 LIP).
Covered by the free charge: Selection costs, file opening costs, test administration costs and staff training costs (art.3 LIP). cell>
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education).
Covered by free access (art. 1 LIP).
Exception to free education, where applicable.
Covered by the free charge: Selection costs, file opening costs, test administration costs and staff training costs (art.3 LIP). cell>
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 3 LIP and 4 of the Regulations relating to free education).
Textbooks and teaching materials required for the application of activity programs and for the teaching of study programs, laboratory, physical education and art materials as well as technological devices
Materials for classroom organization or school
Health, hygiene and sanitation articles
Equipment for personal use
specialized equipment specifically required for the realization of a particular educational project
(Sports-studies Art-studies-international education)
Concentration-Profile TYPE PROJECT
(Sports-studies Art-studies-international education)
Concentration-Profile TYPE PROJECT
Covered by free education (equipment and its maintenance) (art. 7 LIP and 5 of the Regulations relating to free education):
- Tools, machine tools, instruments, chemicals and other scientific and technological equipment
- Balls, balls, rackets, helmets and other physical education articles
- Paint, pastels, clay and other plastic arts items
- Reeds for wind musical instruments, flutes and other musical instruments
- Novels and albums as well as reference works such as dictionaries, grammars, atlases, guides and encyclopedias, whatever the media
- Photocopied texts, reproductions subject to copyright such as scores and any other reprographed material that replaces or supplements a school textbook
- Sets of solids and geometric shapes, tokens, base 10 sets, dice, card games and other manipulative materials
- Modeling clay, wood, plaster and other similar materials
- Computers, laptops, tablets, technological applications, graphic display calculators, headphones and other technological tools, protective helmets, safety glasses, hair nets and other protective items
- Sensory stimulation equipment intended in particular for students with disabilities and to students with adjustment or learning difficulties
Covered by free education (art. 7 LIP, conversely):
- Bins
- Shelves for lockers
- Storage boxes
- Tennis balls to attach to chair legs
Covered by free education (art. 10 of the Regulation relating to free education):
- Tissues and wipes
- Cleaning and disinfecting products
Exception to free education (art. 7 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education):
- School supplies such as pencils, erasers, diaries
- Personal organization materials, such as pencil cases and school bags
- School supplies articles relating to clothing, such as school uniforms and physical education clothing
- Documents in which the student writes, draws or cuts out
- Activity books or exercises and reprographed material which replaces or supplements an activity or exercise book, including those on a medium using information technology
- Notebooks, paper tablets , pockets, binders and dividers
- Basic calculators and scientific calculators
- USB keys
- Rulers, protractors, squares, compasses and other geometry tools
- Highlighters, markers, pens, colored pencils, pencil sharpeners, scissors and glue
- Shoes running shoes, dance clothes and shoes, smocks, aprons or shirts to protect clothing
- Towels and blankets for rest periods
- Padlocks personal use
Exception to free education (art. 6 of the Regulation relating to free education).
Covered by free education (equipment and its maintenance) (art. 7 LIP and 5 of the Regulations relating to free education):
- Tools, machine tools, instruments, chemicals and other scientific and technological equipment
- Balls, balls, rackets, helmets and other physical education articles
- Paint, pastels, clay and other plastic arts items
- Reeds for wind musical instruments, flutes and other musical instruments
- Novels and albums as well as reference works such as dictionaries, grammars, atlases, guides and encyclopedias, whatever the media
- Photocopied texts, reproductions subject to copyright such as scores and any other reprographed material that replaces or supplements a school textbook
- Sets of solids and geometric shapes, tokens, base 10 sets, dice, card games and other manipulative materials
- Modeling clay, wood, plaster and other similar materials
- Computers, laptops, tablets, technological applications, graphic display calculators, headphones and other technological tools, protective helmets, safety glasses, hair nets and other protective items
- Sensory stimulation equipment intended in particular for students with disabilities and to students with adjustment or learning difficulties
Covered by free education (art. 7 LIP, conversely):
- Bins
- Shelves for lockers
- Storage boxes
- Tennis balls to attach to chair legs
Covered by free education (art. 10 of the Regulation relating to free education):
- Tissues and wipes
- Cleaning and disinfecting products
Exception to free education (art. 7 LIP and the Regulation relating to free education):
- School supplies such as pencils, erasers, diaries
- Personal organization materials, such as pencil cases and school bags
- School supplies articles relating to clothing, such as school uniforms and physical education clothing
- Documents in which the student writes, draws or cuts out
- Activity books or exercises and reprographed material which replaces or supplements an activity or exercise book, including those on a medium using information technology
- Notebooks, paper tablets , pockets, binders and dividers
- Basic calculators and scientific calculators
- USB keys
- Rulers, protractors, squares, compasses and other geometry tools
- Highlighters, markers, pens, colored pencils, pencil sharpeners, scissors and glue
- Shoes running shoes, dance clothes and shoes, smocks, aprons or shirts to protect clothing
- Towels and blankets for rest periods
- Padlocks personal use
Transport to school (daily entry and exit from classes)
Transportation to a school activity outside the premises of the establishment
lunch transportation and places available
Transport to other platforms or environments
(Sports-studies Art-studies-international education)
Concentration-Profile TYPE PROJECT
(Sports-studies Art-studies-international education)
Concentration-Profile TYPE PROJECT
Covered by free education, however, when this transport is carried out under contract with a public public transport organization or a bus transport permit holder, within the meaning of a government regulation, a school service center may claim from the student the portion of the cost of a pass which corresponds to a service additional to that necessary for daily entry and exit from classes (art. 292 LIP).
Exception to free education (art. 4 of the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 292 and 298 LIP).
Covered by free education if the transportation is connected to an educational service provided for in the Basic School Regulations. For example, transportation required for a physical education class outside the establishment.
Exception to free education: Transportation necessary for an educational service not provided for in the Basic School Regulations. For example, the daily transportation of students from an alpine skiing concentration to a ski center is not covered by free education.
Covered by free education, however, when this transport is carried out under contract with a public public transport organization or a bus transport permit holder, within the meaning of a government regulation, a school service center may claim from the student the portion of the cost of a pass which corresponds to a service additional to that necessary for daily entry and exit from classes (art. 292 LIP).
Exception to free education (art. 4 of the Regulation relating to free education).
Exception to free education (art. 292 and 298 LIP).
Covered by free education if the transportation is connected to an educational service provided for in the Basic School Regulations. For example, transportation required for a physical education class outside the establishment.
(Sports-studies Art-studies-international education)
Concentration-Profile TYPE PROJECT
(Sports-studies Art-studies-international education)
Concentration-Profile TYPE PROJECT
A draft regulation amending the Regulation relating to free educational materials and certain financial contributions that may be required was pre-published in the Official Gazette on January 13, 2021; no guidelines relating to the financial contribution that may be required for monitoring can, to date, be drawn up.
A draft regulation amending the Regulation relating to free educational materials and certain financial contributions that may be required was pre-published in the Official Gazette on January 13, 2021; no guidelines relating to the financial contribution that may be required for monitoring can, to date, be drawn up.