of deliberative ASSEMBLIES

presentation of the general process

Deliberative Assembly Procedures

This presentation explains the general process of a parent committee or governing board session, as well as certain procedures, particularly in terms of interventions and proposals.

This generic guide is offered as an informative supplement only , so that parents who have never attended a deliberative assembly can briefly understand the process. It does not replace the internal rules of your committee or council and cannot be invoked as such.

Internal rules

These are the internal rules adopted by your committee which dictate the assembly procedures which apply specifically to the sessions of your parents committee.

To complete your understanding

Procedure guide for deliberative assemblies
(General Secretariat of the University of Montreal – In french)

Agenda and minutes

  • At the opening of the meeting, the chair of the assembly presents the agenda , asks if the members have any modifications or additions to the agenda and then asks if anyone proposes its adoption and if anyone asks the vote.
  • The presidency of the assembly then presents the minutes of the last session , asks for modifications or comments from members and asks if anyone proposes its adoption and if anyone requests a vote.
  • The agenda and minutes were adopted with the requested modifications.
  • The adoption of the minutes can only be proposed and voted on by the members present at the meeting to which they relate .


    Typically, the agenda for a regular meeting includes the following items:

    • Adoption of the agenda,
    • Adoption of the minutes,
    • Follow-ups arising from the minutes
    • Information period,
    • Decision period,
    • Miscellaneous affairs,
    • Closing of the session.

    Right to speak and behind closed doors

    • Any member of the Committee has the right to speak during a meeting: he must indicate his intention to speak and wait for the presidency of the assembly to give him the floor.
    • Interventions must be short, clear, precise and must avoid repetition.
    • The presidency of the assembly may limit the duration and number of interventions for each subject.
    • A member may request a closed session when the discussions could harm the privacy of a person or the confidentiality of information;
    • All discussions held in a closed session must remain strictly confidential .


      • Any voting member of the committee may formulate a proposed resolution.
      • A motion for a resolution is used to make a decision on a subject.
      • The “proposer” must ask the chair of the meeting to speak, then state his proposed resolution.
      • According to certain internal regulations , a “seconder” may have to support the submission of the proposal.
      • The presidency of the assembly ensures that everyone understands the proposal.
      • The person who made the proposal has a right of reply at the end of all interventions.
      • Until a proposal has been voted on, no other proposal may be received except to amend or defer it.

        Amendment and request for vote

        • An amendment only serves to change a detail of a proposal, the meaning and intention of the proposed resolution must remain the same .
        • When a proposal has received an amendment, discussions and voting must take place on the amendment before continuing discussions and voting on the proposed resolution.
        • A member may request a vote if he or she believes it is appropriate to make a decision on a proposal.
        • The member must ask the chair of the meeting to speak to request the vote.
        • When this request is made, the assembly chair will require the vote after having exhausted the list of people who have already requested to speak.


          • The presidency of the assembly summarizes the proposed resolution and then asks the members to vote.
          • The vote is by show of hands, but a member can request a secret vote (according to the internal rules).
          • A member may request that the names of persons and their vote be recorded in the minutes (roll-call vote) .
          • A member may request that his or her dissent be noted in the minutes.
          • The chairman of the meeting has a casting vote in the event of a tie, and can use it at his discretion.
          • The results are counted: the number of for, the number of against and abstentions.
          • The result of a vote is recognized when it represents the majority of votes cast (50% + 1), unless otherwise indicated in the internal rules.


            Abstentions do not influence the outcome of the vote.

            A result is “unanimous” if all the votes expressed are of the same opinion , even if there are abstentions.

              Template for the procedure rules of a GB

              To oversee the deliberations and activities of the Governing Board.

              PC internal management template

              To oversee the deliberations and activities of the Parents’ Committee.


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