Glossary of involvement
in education
Guide to terms and acronyms used
in the education sector in Quebec.
When a parent begins to get involved in the education sector, they will quickly encounter institutions that are unfamiliar, concepts that are vague and acronyms that are indecipherable.
The RCPAQ has therefore created this glossary of involvement in education by bringing together definitions of this vocabulary usually used in the world of education.
Please note, the definitions listed here have no legal significance and are provided for informational purposes only.
Feel free to suggest additions or corrections to this glossary!
Academic record
Set of documents and recorded data, of an administrative and educational nature, relating to a student.
Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity.
Admission of students
Administrative act by which a school service center admits, for the first time, a student to educational services.
Advisory Committee on Services for Handicapped Students and Students with Social Maladjustments or Learning Disabilities / Advisory Committee on Special Education Services (ACSES)
Advisory committee of the school board on the organization of services and allocation of financial resources for students with special needs established in each school service center by section 185 of the Education Act.
Age of eligibility
- Preschool: 4 years or 5 years before October 1;
- Primary: 6 years before October 1;
- Secondary: until the end of the school year during which the student turns 18.
At-Risk Students
Refers to students at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels who present certain vulnerability factors that may affect their learning or behavior, and who may therefore be at risk, especially of falling behind either academically or socially, unless there is timely intervention.
Attendance Zone
Geographic territory served by one or more schools.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Developmental disorder characterized by two categories of atypical behaviors: social communication and social interactions and restricted and repetitive aspects of behaviors, interests and activities. ASD includes conditions that were previously known as autism, Asperger syndrome, PDD not otherwise specified, and childhood disintegrative disorder.
Basic school regulation
Regulation establishing all the principles and rules governing the educational services of an order of education, their organizational framework as well as the certification of studies.
Observable manifestation of an action performed by a person. In the context of school learning, the expected behaviors of the student are expressed by the objectives of the study programs.
Behavioural disorders (BD)
Behavioural disorders generally fall into two categories: oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. Behavioural disorders can be associated with a family history of challenging behaviour, family stresses and a poor ability to manage emotions and activity levels.
Number of student places and premises recognized by the Ministry for an establishment.
Certification of studies
Official recognition, by means of a diploma, of a student’s success in a program of study.
Service which provides care for preschool and primary education students outside of periods when they receive educational services.
Division of students according to their level of study. Also used to designate a room or a group of students with a teacher.
Code of conduct
Set of rules of conduct and safety which aim to create a living environment favoring the development of values, attitudes and behaviors which allow the student to learn, succeed and achieve with respect for each other. others at school.
Codes for Students with Handicaps
System for categorizing students with handicaps or severe behavioral disorders corresponding to their characteristics, limitations, disability and adaptation or learning difficulties.
Commitment-to-Success Plan
Document produced by a school board, in accordance with the Ministry’s strategic plan, defining the directions, objectives and targets to be achieved in order to support educational success in their territory.
A competency is a set of behaviors based on the knowledge and effective use of a set of resources. Competence is not the same as skill.
Compulsory Transfer
Registration of a student in a school other than that of its service area when the number of registrations in the school of its service area exceeds the number of places available.
Dedicated measure
Budgetary measure intended for establishments and which can be transferred within its grouping, unless specifically indicated. The amounts must be used to finance the elements provided for in the measure or those of another measure within the grouping of measures of which they are part. The school has the choice of the means it intends to deploy to meet the needs of its students. Accountability for this measure is done as part of its grouping.
Deed of establishment
A school is established by the school board in a document called an deed of establishment. It indicates the name, address, premises or buildings made available to the school and the level of education that it provides. It also indicates the cycle or, exceptionally, the part of the cycle of the level of education concerned and specifies whether the school provides preschool education.
Designated Fund
The designated fund includes the following types of income: donations, legacies, grants or other voluntary contributions received by the governing board. These sums received from any person or public or private organization are used to financially support the activities of the establishments.
Designated Walking Distances
Distance between the residence and the school which determines whether students are entitled to free school transportation.
Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)
The Diploma of Vocational Studies, or DVS, is a diploma that is issued by the government. A DVS certifies that a student has successfully completed a secondary-level vocational program for a trade or occupation.
Director General
The Director General’s Office is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the School Board.
A reduction, limitation or disturbance of a person’s ability to function normally at the intellectual, social or physical level as a result of impairment. A disability may be temporary or permanent, partial or total, and is generally diagnosed by a professional(s).
Specific learning disorder with neurobiological origins characterized by difficulties in accurate or fluent word recognition as well as limited spelling of words and decoding abilities.
Presence of marked difficulties in the acquisition of various aspects of language, on the expressive or receptive sides.
Presence of a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects their ability to plan, organize and automate motor gestures to carry out an action or activity.
Early identification
Practice and modalities for identifying the level of development of each child designed to respond quickly to the development of each child and thus meet the needs as early as possible.
Education Act
Legislation enacted by the Québec Government that establishes the general rules and regulations governing all aspects of Québec’s education system.
Educational activities
Activities, complementary to lessons, which require a change in the daily entry and exit times of students or their movement outside the school premises.
Educational project
Strategic tool for defining directions, action priorities and expected results to ensure the educational success of all students in an educational establishment, in accordance with the commitment plan of their school service center as well as with the Ministry’s strategic plan.
Educational Services
All the services offered by the school with the aim of promoting academic learning and the full development of students.
Educational therapists (Orthopedagogue)
Educator who evaluates and intervenes with learners who are likely to present, or who present, academic learning difficulties in reading, writing or mathematics, including learning disabilities.
French acronym used to designate students with special needs ( élèves handicapés et en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage).
Administrative act which consists of recording in the records of an educational establishment personal information about a student, as well as the program he or she has chosen.
Enrolment criteria
Rules and policies governing the annual administrative operation which determine the school which will be attended by the student.
Essential knowledge
The body of knowledge that students must acquire and be able to use each year.
Evaluation of learning
Evaluation of a student’s skills, knowledge, abilities or attitudes, intended to determine the extent to which educational objectives have been achieved.
Extracurricular activities
Activity which, even if it takes place within the framework of the school, does not constitute a necessary complement to teaching.
Programs in which French is taught to non-French speakers, for example to immigrants, in a process which aims to generalize the use of French as a common language.
Means an intellectual level above average which requires more elaborate programming and better adapted to one’s intellectual abilities.
Governing Board
The governing board is a place of information, exchanges, decisions and consultation between parents, management and members of staff (and students for schools offering 4th and 5th secondary education ) who are consulted on certain decisions in order to contribute to determining the main directions of the school.
No definition.
Information and communications technology (ICT, sometimes IT for Information technology)
Represents a long list of goods and services, including older technologies, such as the telephone and television, and more recent ones, such as mobile phones and the Internet.
Instructional material
Set of educational supports and digital applications intended to facilitate the application of activity or study programs.
Intervention Plan
The intervention plan consists of a planning of coordinated actions which aim to help the student who, because he is handicapped or encounters difficulties, needs adapted interventions to progress optimally in the development of skills leading to success.
No definition.
No defnition.
Learning Difficulties
Obstacles that prevent students from progressing in their learning. They may be related to the students’ own characteristics or to the environment.
Ability to read and write text, create and interpret other media.
Ministère de l’Éducation (MEQ)
The mission of the MEQ is to develop policies relating to the fields of education. The principal mandate of the Ministère is to certify the secondary school studies of Québec students. MEES issues statements of marks, achievement records and statements of competencies, as well as the different secondary-level diplomas to students who satisfy the requirements of the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education.
National Student Ombudsman
Autonomous institution external to the school network responsible for the mechanism for processing complaints and reports in the Quebec school network.
Consists of applying mathematics, i.e. recognizing and using mathematics in a variety of contexts ranging from everyday life.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessions are intrusive thoughts that repeatedly surface. Often people with OCD will try to reduce the obsessions by acting out certain rituals (compulsions).
Person having legal parental authority, including a legal guardian.
Parent participation organization (PPO)
The parent participation organization aims to promote the participation of parents in the development, implementation and periodic evaluation of the educational project as well as the support they must give to their child’s academic success.
Parents Committee (PC)
Advisory committee of the School Board made up of a parent representative and a substitute from each of the primary and secondary establishments and parents from the CCSEHDAA. Its role is to represent the interests of parents within the School Board.
Professionnel development day
Day off for students, but reserved for teachers for work or update workshops.
A set of general principles indicating the course of action adopted by an organization which guides reflection and establishes courses of action in the management of its activities.
Program of studies
Table representing the list of subjects in the program for a school year or a cycle of studies and the distribution of time planned for the teaching of each of them expressed in hours or in units (one unit is equivalent to the number of hours of teaching determined in the applicable educational regime).
Protected measure
Budgetary measure intended for establishments and to be used for the purposes specified in the measure. It is not transferable. The school has the choice of the means it intends to deploy to meet the needs of its students. Reporting is done specifically for the measurement.
Nombre de membres qui doivent être présents pour qu’une assemblée puisse valablement délibérer.
Report card
Report prepared periodically by the administration of an educational establishment and including a record of a student’s grades, remarks on his or her school work and behavior as well as, where applicable, an attendance report.
Response To Intervention (RTI)
Systematic approach to prevention and intervention whose goal is to provide quality assessments and teaching based on evidence and adapted interventions that meet the individual needs of students.
Rules governing promotion
Set of criteria which make it possible to establish the classification of a student and their advancement from one level of education (primary) to the next level (secondary) or from one cycle of education to the next or from one year to the other in the upper secondary cycle.
School administration
Set of services ensuring the material, financial and institutional life of schools.
School Board (SB)
Legal entity under public law made up of people elected by universal suffrage, whose mission is to support and accompany primary and secondary schools in the public network in a given geographical area by providing administrative services.
School calendar
Table of activities for the school year. The school calendar must contain 180 days to be devoted to educational services as well as school vacation dates.
School failure (academic failure)
Situation where an educational objective has not been achieved according to criteria which vary depending on the nature of the desired learning.
School governance
efinition of the different roles and missions of the education system entities as well as the methods of allocation of resources, exchanges, control and evaluation.
School population
Actual number of students in a school service center, an educational establishment or a class, on a given date.
School supplies
Set of instruments, notebooks, manuals, pencils, etc. that a student needs in order to follow training.
School team
Group made up of all regular teachers, specialist teachers, professional staff, support staff and daycare educators in the same educational establishment.
School transportation
Method of transporting schoolchildren, between their home and a school establishment, by school bus, in order to ensure school attendance.
Secondary School Diplomas (SSD)
A Secondary School Diploma is granted to students upon successful completion of the requirements outlined in secondary levels 4 and 5 within the general education sector for youth.
Children who have legal status as siblings such as: children who have a common mother and/or father; children who have been legally adopted; children who are under legal guardianship.
Social Worker (SW)
Social workers help individuals, couples, families, groups and communities resolve or prevent personal, family and social problems such as violence, suicide and delinquency.
Special education
Making adjustments or changes to learning and teaching materials or a school environment to the needs of students who present particular characteristics. Also used to define the services offered to EHDAAs.
Special Education Instructor
Works with students targeted by special education services in schools who are: students at risk, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), behavioral disorders (CD) , intellectual disability (ID), learning difficulties, learning disabilities, language impairment, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), etc.
Special purpose schools (240)
School entirely dedicated to an educational project focused on an educational approach or a specific program as well as on a distinctive organization of the curriculum, such as, for example, alternative or international schools. The particular vocation of a school must be approved and recognized by the MEQ, according to the criteria specified in article 240 of the Education Act.
Speech Therapist
Professional who has expertise regarding normal development and communication disorders as well as knowledge of assessment and intervention in these areas.
Supervision of students
Part of the activities of school staff which mainly consist of providing personal assistance to students, leading extracurricular activities and monitoring.
Teaching cycles
The cycle is a period of learning during which students acquire a set of subject knowledge and skills allowing them to access subsequent learning. Primary education is organized over 3 cycles of 2 years each. Secondary education is organized over 2 cycles: the first extends over 2 school years; the second extends over 3 school years.
Three-Year Plan for the Allocation and Destination of Immovables
Document used to distribute and allocate each building for the following three years. This plan must in particular indicate, for each school and each vocational training or adult education center: the name, address and premises made available to it, the order of education provided there, its other destination educational level, its reception capacity as well as school enrollment forecasts for the duration of the plan.
Transfer request
Choice exercised freely by the parent or adult student in order to attend a school other than the one assigned to them based on their residential address.
No definition.
Vocational training (VT)
Vocational training is a process of learning that allows an individual to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to exercise a trade or other professional activity.
Voluntary Transfer
Student transfer done following acceptance of parent/guardian
Well being
The state of mind we feel when our cognitive, emotional, social and physical needs are met.
No definition.
No definition.
No definition.
Centre de services scolaire de Laval
Centre de services scolaire de Montréal
École nationale d’administration publique
Espace Parents
Lester B. Pearson School Board
Ministère de l’éducation du Québec
Office québécois de la langue française
Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board